Case Design

Most BGA’s have similar contracts and compensation schedules. The difference between them is the quality and menu of services they deliver to their agency force. Not only do we offer competitive commission contracts, but we excel in what we offer, both before and after the sale.

Case design is essential to assure that you are presenting the best solutions to your clients. We have been working with advisors behind the scenes for over 20 years, analyzing each and every case. Underwriting table shaves, product niches, rider features, all come into play when you choose us to be your back room.

After the sale is equally as important as case design. Once the application is submitted, our case managers take over. You will be assigned your personal case manager, one highly trained person to guarantee that your cases are handled expediently, and policies issued as quickly as possible.

The Qualified Plans dropdown details a great opportunity so often overlooked by non-registered representative agents. All life agents are properly licensed to market group-allocated qualified plans. Many agents do not realize the tremendous opportunities to market these plans to their small group and business clients.