
Consultative Marketing has partnered with The Bollinger Companies to bring independent advisors and independent property casualty agencies the most comprehensive new approach to property casualty cross-marketing. A new approach, backed by over 35 years of time tested, profitable cross-marketing techniques called AgencyMaxx Marketing.

AgencyMaxx Marketing provides access to 140,000+ property casualty agents and 38,000 independent agencies throughout the United States. Our participating AgencyMaxx advisors have the opportunity to partner with agencies within their selected geographic areas, offering top products, services, and the most comprehensive pro-active cross-marketing system available.

The AgencyMaxx Marketing system is unique to the cross-marketing of financial services within property casualty agencies. Although the marketplace for life insurance is expanding, the independent distribution channel is shrinking.

Although the marketplace is ripe, life insurance sales and distribution have been relatively flat over the past several years. Traditional distribution is just that, traditional distribution. There must be another way to market life insurance, either through a strong related relationship, digital marketing, or possibly both.

Progressive agencies also understand that we are now in a digital world, and competition can come at them from every direction, especially from firms they never thought would be in the insurance business. They are also under pressure due to a sustained soft market. Prices have been very competitive, meaning that commission levels, already reduced, are lower than in previous years. Contingency bonuses have rapidly decreased, if not disappeared altogether.

Agencies understand that organic growth is far less costly than growth through acquisition. They also understand they have a goldmine in their database to market financial services. They just don’t have the expertise, or the time to tap into this incredible opportunity. Enter AgencyMaxx, the insurance industry’s most progressive proactive cross-marketing system.

Why AgencyMaxx works

The components of the industry’s most proactive and complete cross marketing system, frees agency principals and their agents to focus on their specialty markets. We do the heavy lifting.


Branding is a broad-based subject and will consist of our nationally recognizable insurance carriers, Consultative Marketing (Conmark, Inc.), MarketMaxx, The Bollinger Companies, and our Certified AgencyMaxx Advisors.

Lead Generation

Our aggressive email campaigns are designed, not only to recruit and provide warm leads for our advisors, but to also geographically lock in a disciplined drip campaign within an advisor’s designated territory.


Technology is the true differentiator, separating AgencyMaxx from any, and all other cross-marketing programs.

The AgencyMaxx Marketing System fills all the gaps not available elsewhere through a powerful suite of marketing resources:

  • Data Management

  • Communications

  • Contact Management

  • Online quote engine

  • Custom Designed Marketing Programs

  • Drop Ticket

  • Marketing Tools

The AgencyMaxx Marketing System will equip all Certified Advisors with all the tools and knowledge needed to become highly successful as cross-marketing professionals, including our technology. For more information on AgencyMaxx, contact CMI today!

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